At Alston Primary School we follow the Graduated Approach from the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
As part of teachers quality first teaching they identify the skills that a SEND child has, from their ITP and then plan for the next steps in making progress in those skills as shown on the Language and Literacy or Maths Toolkits. Where possible this has been linked to the learning objective for the whole class.
Over learning of key skills and pupils being taught in achievable steps are key for the SEND pupils to make progress.
Interventions above and beyond the class teaching maybe required to help a child make good progress. Ideally these take place in class but if needed then they can take place in a group or an individual setting.
A very small number of children may need an alternative curriculum if they cannot access the curriculum with their peers. The school provides a language and sensory rich curriculum for pupils with communication needs in the Language and Sensory Hub. The Communication Autism Team (CAT) and Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) work alongside school staff to ensure teaching approaches are appropriate for the child’s needs.