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'Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility'

Here at Alston Primary School, we have a duty of care to ensure that all children are cared for and protected. 


Parents and carers are normally our first point of contact for any concerns we have.  We will support parents and carers and ensure we work in collaboration with them to protect children.  As is our statutory duty, we will report to Children's Social Care if we have any reason to believe that a child may be at risk of suffering abuse or neglect.  When a referral is made to social care, parents will be notified beforehand except when guidance from social care or the police does not allow this.  We are an Operation Encompass School which means that our police partners will notify us of any safeguarding matters in relation to our families that they have been involved with. 


The school has a Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead;


Ms E. Simpson

Head of School - Lead DSL


Please contact her, via the school office, if you have any safeguarding or child protection concerns.  There are six other Designated Safeguarding Leads:-


Mrs H. Musied

Senior Mentor

Mrs C. Nott



Mrs S. Sultana


Mrs S. Simpson


Mrs A. LoganMrs R. Noreen



Our Prevent Single Point of Contact (SPOC) is the Headteacher Mrs Nott.  Please refer to the full Safeguarding Policy for further details.
